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cancer | Central Illinois Natural Health Clinic

Coffee: Superfood or Death Sentence?

Earlier this year, I outlined some of the amazing health benefits associated with regular coffee consumption.  These include a decrease risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and endometrial cancer; pain reduction as among its benefits too.

Now, new research from the Mayo Clinic (1) makes us pause and reflect on how much is too much of a good thing.

Conventional Medical Doctors Acknowledge Supplement for Prostate Cancer

Conventional physicians are not always known for their open-mindedness about natural therapies, such as nutritional and herbal supplements.  However, in light of good scientific research, they cannot keep their eyes closed to the benefits.

Results of a new research study were presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology that showed a new supplement led to significant lowering of prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in prostate cancer patients.

Coffee: Pain Reduction, Weight Loss, and More

For decades, it’s been a given in natural health circles that coffee is a no-no. It’s commonly one of the first things that people are asked to give up when going on a detox program, or any other recommendations for improving their health. Over the past decade or so, though, evidence has been mounting that there are actually many health benefits for that morning cup of joe.

Why I’m Still Eating Organic Foods

A study about organic food published this month in the Annals of Internal Medicine (1) made big headlines, mostly along the lines of “organic food is no better for you than conventionally grown food.”  As usual, the headlines tend to gloss over the details of the research that was conducted.  Several points are worth noting,