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Mediterranean diet | Central Illinois Natural Health Clinic

Change Your Food – Change Your Mind

We all feel blue from time to time, but major depressive disorder (MDD) is a condition that lasts for a long period of time. It’s a disease that people can’t just “get over” or “snap out of.” While antidepressant medications have been helpful for many people with MDD, they come with side effects of their own,

Beyond the Paleo: Is it Really the Perfect Diet?

There has been explosive interest in the last few years in eating like our ancient, pre-agricultural ancestors:  following a hunter-gatherer pattern that would have been the norm in the Paleolithic Era (the “stone age”).  The idea behind this is that agriculture has only been around for about 10,000 years, which is barely a blip on the evolutionary time scale.

Good Nutrition Made Even Easier

If there’s one thing that’s consistent in the field of nutrition, it’s that information is always changing.  With the barrage of latest headlines about the scientific research on nutrition, how can we cut through the confusion and make healthy choices?  I usually spend a fair amount of time reading Nutrition Facts labels at the grocery store,

Is It Time to Eat? A Surprisingly Important Question

‘Tis the season for making New Year’s resolutions.  Perhaps your resolutions include healthier eating and losing weight.  There is certainly plenty of info in my past articles on how to construct a healthy diet that will help you live longer and prevent chronic diseases. One element that may have been overlooked in all the scrutiny over what to eat is when to eat.


Healthy lifestyle habits:  we know we should do them, but sometimes, it just seems like work.  Yes, Dr. Peters, I know that a Mediterranean diet and exercise will decrease my risk of dying, but it’s just one more thing to add to the daily to-do list.  A phenomenon has popped up in recent years that makes it just a little less onerous to keep our minds and bodies fit:  

Healthy Food? Blech!

One of the main impediments that many people cite in avoiding healthy foods is taste.  When the average American is faced with the choice between a Frappuccino and a kale salad, it’s no mystery which one will be chosen.  Our brains are hard-wired to seek out fats, sugar, and salt for survival — but with the modern food-industrial complex,

The Skinny on Fat

In the 1970s and 80s, fat was the bad boy of nutrition.  Since then, research has reminded us of so many of the “forgotten” good things about fat — from the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, to absorbing our fat-soluble vitamins and beyond.  As research goes on, more facts come to light to dispel our fears of this nutrient.

Fish Oil is Dead… or Is It?

If you’re a patient or a regular reader of my articles, you know that one supplement that I often recommend is fish oil — a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.  These fats are essential to our health, because our bodies cannot make them from any other type of fat.  The many benefits of omega-3 fats include:

  • Cardiovascular health benefits
  • Immunomodulation
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Psychological and behavioral health improvement
  • Improved bone density
A large study published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine (1) has called into serious question the well-established cardiovascular benefits of fish oil.

More Good News for the Mediterranean Diet

For years, the standard nutritional advice for cardiovascular disease prevention has been to follow a low-fat diet.  This is still the official recommendation of the American Heart Association.  However, more and more evidence is pointing to the fact that it may be the quality, not quantity, of the fats we consume that is good for our hearts.